Here's my 21 days journey to be healthy and lose weight on he same time. As much as I love food and concern of what's going in to my stomach, I took it for granted especially when all of us is locked indoor since the first COVID-19 kicking in March 2020. It is a nightmare for everyone of us.

YES, is sounds good that we can spend time at home and work from home all day, BUT up to one point, most of the thing that we love the most to be out is become illegal. That caused me started to gain weight in short period, I started to get frozen shoulder, neck pain, demotivated, exhausted, easily get tired and bla, bla, bla.. to much to tell, but roughly that's my experience. 

That is when I started to fix 'WHAT IS WRONG  WITH ME?' and 'I NEED TO BE HEALTHY'. So, let me share how is that 21 days going with 1 big meal during lunch. I took healthy meal replacement for breakfast and dinner. 

Day 1

Here’s me so called eat clean menu. Need to increase the veges portion. But steaming all is just so right for busy day. ‘Campak-campak, stim, siap’. Of course the plum goes first to my stomach 😀

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Day 2

I had another ‘steaming’ day. But the fish portion is a little bit to much, it was so filling, a little bit bloated too. Second day is okay, despite the rashes on my skin. And to the restroom more than 10x 😂

Day 3

‘All go out burnt day’ 🤪  Baked dory fish, that’s just lil bit too much with 2 pieces, sweet potatoes and orange all these 3 caused me bloated 😂😂😂

But anyways, day 3 rashes slightly gone but 1 pimple grown up like mushroom. I felt little less sleepy or haangry this day. Let see whats happen on day 4. #cleanse #bodycleanse

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Day 4

Despite of all the challenges during cleansing my body, I still eat good food. Need to substitute either Orange or Sweet Potatoes for this meal in the future, lil bit more calories that need even more workout. 
Started with HIIT on day 4. Muscle cramp and pain, aaah don’t say.. but I started to sweat #nopainnogain

Day 5

Here’s another quick and easy meal for lunch. Oven grilled catfish, boiled spinach, scrambled egg and fresh salad. Doesn’t really take long to prepare.

Most of the time, real food does look expensive, but actually it is even cheaper. Let me show some calculations (price are just estimation based on my spending)

👉🏼 McD set meal roughly RM15
👉🏼 1kg catfish RM 7 + 1 pack Salad RM6 + 2 cucumber RM3 + 1 tray egg RM8 + 1 pack baby Spinach RM6 = RM30 (roughly can prepare 5 meals at least, of course some balance of the leftover here and there) RM30/4=RM7.5 well done! 👏

Day 6

Alright, seems things are working out as planned. Still on track on the weekend. No rice intake. Of course you can take rice, but everybody has a different body, only you know what’s work for you. I easily put up weight whenever I take rice (of course you need to look out of the rice portion) but once you had it, very hard to stop, so I rather not.

So day 7 meal is a lil bit more that usual, some sambal to spice things up 😂
Let’s do some calculation again
1️⃣ Stingray 1 kg RM8 (3 fishes)
2️⃣ Kedondong RM4 (7pieces)
3️⃣ Eggplant RM3 (3/pack)
4️⃣ Cucumber (remaining ones)
5️⃣ Egg (remaining ones)
6️⃣ Chili RM6
👉🏼  RM21 (let say meal for 6 times, since I bought 3 fish, it os only cost me RM4+-

Real food it what it takes!

Day 7

I always like to add more colour on my food. Just because it is #INSTAGRAMABLE ‼️ 😂

Kidding! Okay, reason why is because colours does have energy & it will impact both function of body and brain. Just like our lives, we need more colours to keep it happy, don’t we? ;)

Day 8

Today all are in good portion. Craving for mamak style mixed veggies, so did something similar but no fry. Substitute oil, just water instead. If you still want to fry, olive oil is good. Guess tempe is the easier to prepare.

What did I notice on day 8? My digestion started to get back to normal, morning first thing is business number 2 😂

Day-8 meal cost less than MYR 5. All home made if you do weekly shopping.

Day 9

Initial plan was to make zucchini pasta, but then the grated tool wasn’t available and I just want to have lunch ON TIME without postponing. So, sliced it all and air fried, of course lil bit dry for this meal, a drop of homemade chili dressing makes it perfect. Quinoa act as rice. It is a good source of protein & fiber. With the texture like fish egg. Main card is the gripped chicken.

Day-9 I already started to easily feel full. Struggling to finish my food.

Cost for the meal is less that MYR10. Organic Zucchini is about MYR3, can eat for 2. So, do the calculation. Real food isn’t costly, it will be if you don’t eat in the right portion.

Day 10

Another healthy meal day. Just enough for my daily calorie intake. Delicious! Ayam goreng kunyit but healthy ones with air fryer. Quinoa and mixed vegetables.

I shouldn’t say this but I ‘kentut’ and burp a lot on day-10. If you really know your body, you can feel and notice the changes.

You can do today’s meal calculation. Plan your meal weekly to help you budgeting expenses.

Day 11

POKE BOWL! I don’t know why, I just love this kind of ‘kerabu’ food. Just mix fresh vegetables and there you go. All steamed including salmon. Sorry, not all, except for the purple cabbage, rocket salad and baby spinach is raw. RAWR! There were 3 tablespoons of brown rice at the bottom. If you can’t take it plain, feel free to add some of your favourite dressing, not too much, a drop or two only.

Life is too dull with plain white rice, oh heyy add some colour into it and enjoy!

Meal cost less than MYR10. Salmon is for 2, organic veggies for many days. You can opt for normal vegetables. I am just a little bit cautious on what’s going into my tummy despite all good food, I prefer organic. If there’s no organic, you can use the vegetables wash to remove all the pesticides etc.

Day 12

Nasi Kerabu healthy version. Mixed rice, toast coconut, veggies and fish. Complete nutrition for day 12.

So far so good. Feeling better by day. At least no more grumpy morning lol!

Day 13

Oh already 13! 😂 Today’s lil but full since breakfast, so I went for the simplest and easiest to eat. Steak Salmon 
👉🏼 Air fried ok? And homemade avocado salsa 🤤 Little bit lack of carbohydrates source, you can replace with spinach or broccoli for that.

Stay tune for the recipe video in my YouTube channel soon! Pretty busy taking care of myself that I don’t have time to be social lately 🤪 
I will be back very soon!

Day 14

Been craving for #bimbimbap but home cooking always better because you know what you eat and no hidden calories.

All steamed veggies, air fried chicken and 3 tablespoons of Japanese white rice 🙊

Seems like my food portion is getting smaller by day. That I am struggling to finish the food even though already cutting down the amount.

Yesterday I did 30 minutes HIIT and I managed go to through all the exercises. Yeay!!! I have been struggling to even do burpees, but yas, I did! Yeay! So, don’t give up, you know you can do, just give your body sometimes to get used to it.

Day 15

Today’s lunch was finishing up leftover rice from yesterday. And remainder veggies as well. Air fried catfish and tempe, no oil pan fried veggies and cucumber. Rush hush day with delicious, yet nutritious meal.

Do you know what’s my other magical thing I notice today? 
➡️ But before that, just so you guys know, I have been having a serious frozen shoulder 😰  for the past few months (most likely its due to lifestyle during mco and weight increased. 
I even went to massage but didn’t work) since I started the new dietary, my shoulder is better, not just that, my neck too! 😇 
I am so happy and glad it just went away, I have no idea how or what or why.
✅ It could be that I have been feeding enough nutrition 🥗 needs that my body needs
✅ It could be the workout
✅ It could be proper sleep
⭕️ But all does it work together. Consistent, effort and one small step to start. There is no shortcut ❌

I remember when Sis Syafiza told me once, “putting up weight can make us sick” I second that 💯 %

I hope for better improvement by day :)

Day 16

Quick lunch at home 😋 Provide healthy and good nutrition to your body and they will do the rest :)

One of the most easiest meal to prepare tbh. Air fried Salmon Steak, homemade salsa and salad.

No oil, no additives. Only good oil from Salmon itself will do. Can you imagine how much fat I can literally cut from this meal?

Day 17

Craving for fried glass noodle, but opted to substitute the oil to keep #cleaneating A little glass noodle, not too much (the calories are about the same if you take rice, ok?) Scrambled eggs, grilled chicken and vegetables of your choice! Mixed all up, and it is good to go. Yeah, I know, perhaps some of us can’t bear with the taste, you can add some salad dressing, or splash of olive oil.

Day 18

Another day with rice - just because I cook a lot, I usually repackage and keep in the fridge for 2 days the most. Rice 3 tablespoons as usual, nothing more, I get full easily now.

Sometimes just can’t get ride of our favourite chicken part, DRUMSTICK, just air fried it to substitute the cooking oil. You may remove the skin before eating despite the drumsticks it self contains high fat 🤪
Mixed veggies, just ‘fake stirred’ on pan with little bit of water and salad.

I am noticing that I easily get haangryy after breakfast lately. Only happens between 10am-12pm. Guess my metabolism is increased by day. So, needed to get lunch by 12 next day til the body adapts it again.

Day 19

Lesser and lesser lunch intake despite feeling hungry after breakfast.

Pretty small fish, perhaps need to get little bit more bigger fish or add in an egg for the meal balance. However, able to finished all in plates.

Mixed veggies + scrambled egg, no oil. If you guys want to stirred fried it, go for olive oil.
I think today’s meal is okay, it is fillings. The brown rice is no longer takes like brown rice. BROWN RICE IS THE NEW WHITE RICE! 😆

Day 20

Look! Another beautiful and full plates. Basically I just purposely spread the rice flat so my brain know that I have a lot of rice in plate. In a way it is training the brain to learn how much is a lot. The brain will send a signal to your body, you will be full. (That is just my theory, that I always use to get my body adapted to it).

Anyways, it was only 3 flat tablespoons rice, air fried salmon, salad and water ‘fried’ cabbage.

Don’t really need any seasoning, the salmon produce its own oil, just perfect when you mixed it all.

Meal cost is about MYR15+- Salmon is about 12 bux and the rest are from the day before.

Looks like one more day, to the road to be healthy. Still wasn’t sure what’s next 😆

Day 21

Oh wow! It is day 21! Last day to road to be healthy. But wait, it will not stop here. Guess, I will have more living healthy stuffs coming up.

Had fancy and colourful lunch at home. Baked spinach #quiche and chicken salad on the side. Not gravy except lil bit of olive oil for the salad dressing. You should use #cubanelle pepper for salad, it taste better than bell pepper tbh.

Feel free to reach out if you wanna be part of #healthymovement

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